Saturday, 24 January 2015

披上老师之袍- 校园生活的点点滴滴

有趣的是在小小的照片框框里,发生了这样的事。 在没有预兆的情况下,小瓜拿钱包出来,翻一翻.........拿起了护照近照。起初还以为他要粘在纸上........结果是

在一旁的我没说什么只是微笑的看着他努力的在跟着护照照片画着自己。 那认真的表情,努力一笔一笔的画着,认真的回答每一题问题,看了蛮窝心!


Saturday, 17 January 2015

披上老师之袍 ,2015 校园生活篇 1

时间一晃, 开学的钟声响了! 步入第二年,许多东西都还可以应付的来,有点模糊但至今还是可以如期完成。

看到新生一幅有点模模糊糊,一幅不知所措的反应,有点好笑,同时告诉自己只有在这个时候可以看到这样的情况! 曾几何时,我也是这样一幅模模糊糊,不知所措的模样!


其实当班级任就好像是小瓜们学校里的爸,妈! 哇,老师不止是老师,也是一个很好学习当家长的平台。



1) Homework  System (功课系统)

The system is students need to submit the homework themselves in a given date every week. The concept is student need to put the homework into the book and tick the name on the box. At the end of the week , teacher will check the namelist . Teacher will message the parent of the student that fail to submit homework. This message will be positive where teacher will remind parent to remind their kids to complete and submit homework the following week.The concept is work with parent to monitor kids homework progress. The objective of this idea is join hand with parents to train student self responsibility and take ownership of doing their homework 
For this idea, i will test run in 2 or 3 classes in the early stage .

2)Project based study (项目学习)
Math is fun , Math is so related to our life . This year i will implement  learning of  math in project based. More group works , more research and  combine related topics to establish a project for student to research and learn. 

3) Building Foundation (基础巩固)

This is the mini test run project for the weaker class. I plan to focus on building foundation instead of rushing syallabus. Thanks to lecturer that remind me that as long as student learn something, it is fine to be slow.
My focus will be on basic things  like addition, substraction , multiplication, division, fraction . I will emphasize  a lot on multiplication table . In line with building foundation, i plan to let them do project based learning involving all the basic foundation at the second half of the year.

4) Culture (文化宣导)
To emphasize on culture of  respect, collaboration , responsibility , culture of greeting -thank you and encourage student to always think why and how (critical thinking) .

真的要谢谢朋友和身边的人给予的意见和帮忙!还有许许多多要学习的地方和进步的空间. 加油, 2015