Thursday, 9 August 2012

花莲打工换宿记 Work for stay in Hua Lien

考虑了好久,终于做了个决定,决定再还未正式开始工作时,给自己来体验打工度假。一开始是想要去新西兰 或者澳洲。 但是旅费预算太高了,所以毅然放弃了这两个地方而选择到台湾来。

Been consider for quite a long time, and finally i have make up my mind  to experience the working holiday just before the graduation. At first, i am thinking to go New Zealand or Australia , but the high budget involved force me to change the plan .    

                                                                       走,打工换宿去 !
                                                                     Let's go work for stay !

我的第一站打工换宿是在花莲江老师的民宿。 这是一间尚未开张的民宿,打工内容是帮忙装潢民宿。 这个打工换宿是我在背包客栈无意之间看到,想到地点是在花莲,加上早已耳闻花莲的种种的美景,于是就联络乐江老师。

My first working holiday is in Hua Lien, Taiwan in Allen's homestay which haven't officially operate yet. Our task is to help in homestay decorating, renovation. I got this information from Backpacker Forum, Hua lien is a place that full with beautiful scenery. This is the main reason that brought me work for stay here.      

第一天  Day 1

从枋寮搭了四个小时的台铁到花莲花车站,到花莲时已是傍晚六点多。 江老师带了位帅哥弟弟来接我们。 一到民宿,surprise 就出现了.......................................................................................

We travel around four hours from Fang liao to Hua Lien Train Station , it was around 6pm. Allen and Harry came to pick us up at the station.  A big surprise at Allen homestay waiting for our arrival .......................... ...............................

哇,怎么那么多人!而且,一踏进门口,迎面而来的是“老大好”的声音。真的是吓了一大跳! 心想怎么会被称为老大,这该不会是“xx社团”,还是走错了地方.....一时都不知如何反应过来,真搞笑!后来,帅哥弟弟就解释这所谓老大的用意........可这可爱的帅哥弟弟用了好拐弯抹角,
弄得我一塌糊涂。原来每个新来的小帮手都得当老大,老大就是得请客,就这样老大就是这儿换宿的小传统。 好玩好玩!

Wah, so many people! We have been called as "Lao Da"  , what a surprise.. or perhaps shocks is the better description of my expression. What a funny incident! Later, Harry explained about the "Lao Da" rules. He explained too "detail" until i am confusing . In a simple words  "Lao Da" is actually the guy that pay for the first meal, this is a kind of traditional in Allen homestay. A great experience!       

                                                                  Harry  就是这位帅哥弟弟
                                                                  Harry, the handsome guy
吃了晚饭后,节目还未结束,海妮根Party 还在后头等着大家呢,在面海路边的Party还是别有一番风味的。 就这样第一天的打工换宿在没有打工的情况下结束了。  

After dinner, there is still a Heineken Party waiting for us. A party that held beside the roadside (just beside the sea) is awesome. Here comes to the end of  my very first day work for stay that in fact without any works done.  

第二天 Day 2

隔天我放假了,所以有机会到太鲁阁去走走。 我会在另一篇文章写关于这这优美的地方。

I got a day off the next day. So, i have given a chance to visit Taroko. I am going to write more about this beautiful place in another post.










第三天 Day 3

在花莲的第三天了,我才真正开工(哈哈!白白住了两天)。江老师给我的第一个任务就是披土。 孤陋寡闻的我还是第一次听到披土这词,完全没概念要怎么弄!经老师和Noel 调教,我一会儿就上手了,慢慢得就喜欢上这活儿,还挺好玩的!一点开工到六点多就准时收工了然后一群人骑单车去找吃了。 

又来到期待的晚餐时间。老师推荐了一件古早餐馆(不过忘了店名)。 这餐馆由老板娘一人打理。听说老板娘即将结婚,所以店面在几个月后就会结束了,好可惜哦!餐馆内的小吃 都不错,除了卤肉饭....。老师一早有提醒了,但我还是坚持....结果就是 so ..! 还好,安慰的是我点了老板娘强力推荐的凤梨苦瓜鸡汤,这汤真的好赞!(可惜,忘了拍下来哦!)

主食吃完了,甜品时间到。 我和 Milo 俩继续找吃。 骑车到了花莲市区内吃了有名的包心粉圆和一心刨刨冰。 超爽的!骑车骑累了,来碗冰,好舒服哦!接着, 我们就沿着海滨路骑会美仑区,这路虽然长但是却·没有过于斜,所有·相对比较好骑。

I only start to work after three days in Hua Lian. Allen gave me the first task which is flatten the  surface on the ceiling .Noel has taught me some skills in doing this job. It is not too hard and only required some skills. It’s fun doing this as i never try such work before. 

Dinner time again. Allen has recommended us a restaurant (but i forgot the name). Only one person work here, Allen told us that the restaurant will be close in few months time as the owner going to marry soon, so she has no time to manage the shop afterward. I have try the pineapple bitter gourd chicken soup and pork rice. The soup is delicious but the rice only!              

Done with main meals, Milo and i continue to get some dessert in the town. We have try "Bao Xing Fen Yuan" and Yi Xin Ice in the town. Personally i like "Bao xing Fen Yuan" so much.  Refreshing !    


第四天 Day 4

本来要和老师去骑193 路线的 ,结果因为要骑整整五个小时,我体力有限,所有就不去了。最后就改成就和 Wendy, Harry 还有Milo 骑单车到七星潭。大概凌晨四点多就起床了。 顶着一脸睡样,在微风阵阵的清晨努力的踩着单车往七星潭前进。虽然云层太厚无法看到日出,但却欣赏到七星潭的清晨的美。 躺在石堆上,听着一波一波的海浪声,所有的疲惫都抛往脑后了。

At first , Allen wants to bring us to cycle along 193 route . This route gonna take about 5 hours , so i give up,not going to join him.  So,  i went to "Qi Xing Tan" with Harry, Wendy and Milo. It is a bit disappointing as we do not able to see sunrise because it is cloudy. "Qi Xing Tang“  really beautiful. Lying on rocks, listening to waves, fresh air , RELAX !        

凌晨五点的七星潭 (QI XING TAN, 5 AM)

是躺着还是真的睡了呢? Is lying on rocks take a rest or sleep?   

在七星潭享受了美好的清晨,我们便继续所谓的回笼觉。中午又再次开工了,披土披土我来了! 发现把粗粗的墙弄得滑滑,也蛮好玩,好有成就感呢!

今晚是夏日恋嘉年华最后一天,重点是有苏打绿,所以我们都迫不及待把工作给做完,然后奔往演唱会那儿。 同样还是有老大哥“松鼠‘带路,今天多了两位朋友-hamburger 和小罗的加入。

哇!我还是第一次看这样的演唱会,当晚有帅气的范逸臣,同乡陈势安,还有压轴的苏打绿。尤其是苏打绿出场时,超high 的。 青峯好可爱哦!一直叫观众们.....冷静,冷静,还让观众点歌.....! 虽然下了绵绵细雨,我们还是不愿离开,继续待在哪儿听歌......" 这是一首简单的小情歌..........   , 天上风筝在天上飞,地上人儿在地上追........当时奋不顾身伸出我的手, 看见了轮廓就当作宇宙........啦啦啦”  好兴奋哦!

As usual, we have to continue our work from noon till 6pm. Then,  quickly rush to the concert right after finish our work.  Today was the last day for this summer carnival concert, and the most important things is our lovely "Soda Green"  band is performing tonight!      AWESOME !


第五天 Day 5

今天还是一样继续在小房内披土。今天会有三位新人过来。所以,今天午餐和晚餐有老大- 阿敏和 betty请客,哦还有cyrus 老大请大伙儿喝酒。中午,去了老邵吃了东北菜,晚上着去了吃素食自助餐。接着就去和小麦啤酒加上hamburger 和小罗的宵夜.

晚上,我们就在“狂风暴雨”的黑夜 踩着单车与雨搏斗的骑回民宿。

As usual, today task is flatten the surface of the wall. Today, there are three "Lao Da" , so they have treat us for lunch, dinner and Beers. Hamburger and 小罗also brought us supper. Wow, free meals all day long !

Unfortunately, the weather is not in our side, rain cat and dogs afterward. We have to cycle in the rain . Rainy day plus strong winds!  it's cool  but really a unforgettable experiences anyway !  

中午的老大 -阿敏 来了 

                                                          这好好吃-好像叫炒面 (忘了)

晚餐老大-Betty (左)

                                                            啤酒老大-Cyrus 和 老师



第六天 Day 6

今天一大早就大家骑单车去了松林别馆逛逛。这地方曾是日据时代的指挥中心。这别馆背山面海,绿油油的草地加上复古的建筑风格,别有一番风味,满漂亮的。从这地方可以看到不错的海景。接着我们继续出发到庙口去喝庙口红茶和吃早餐。 这里的红茶蛮好喝,值得推荐。

Early in the morning, we cycle to " Song ling bie guan" which was a command center during Japan Colonizing era. We can see the Hua Lien Port from this place. The building is surrounded with flowers and greenery, make it very beautiful and refresh especially  in the early morning. After that,  We  have our breakfast or perhaps can consider as branch near the downtown temple. This place is famous with the black tea, also known as "Temple Black Tea" by locals.     



                                                                       "Chok " brothers


本计划到铁路博物馆去看看,可惜当天没开。所以只好在周边走走,拍拍照。 这里也拍到了 “仆街少女” 和 “卧街少男'的铁路上的经典照!

Our next station supposed to be Railway Museum but it was close. So, we only able to capture some photos outside the museum. Two "classic photos" ware taken here.      

经典吧! chok 哥,仆街少女 , 卧街少男 和 不在状况的观众!

他们在干什么呢? What they are doing ? 

                                                                    Colourful Bicycle Gang

顶着大大的太阳继续往海边前进。 虽然顶着大大的太阳,但在海边吹着海风,那感觉是舒服的。 由于今早出门时天气阴阴的,所以大家都没搽上防晒,代价是就晒得“红通通”的!过后, 去了仓库美术馆,买了也寄了明信卡给自己和PY。 这仓库如果有时间值得来看一看。

Then, we cycle to nearby waterfront. Even though  it was already noon, listen to the waves, enjoying balmy pacific ocean winds blowing. Most of us forgot to put on sun block, so consequences is slight sun burnt .  We went to the art  gallery,bought the postcards and sent it home. This gallery worth to pay a visit if you are in Hua lien.  

  烈日当空下在海边吹风 !

迟了一个小时工作,所以今天七点多才结束工作。 把之前披好土的地方给磨平了以后,再继续补厚度。补厚度比补平稍微难些及更需要耐心些。 今晚也有老大请客。今晚老大是四位美女-两位桃源人,Sandra 和 Cindy 及两位香港人 -Josie 和 Pinky. 吃了好贵也好丰富的一顿, 当晚也欣赏了“翻版陈奕迅” Cyrus 的好唱功 。

P/s; 明天就要离开花莲,开始舍不得大家,以及 这美丽的地方。 我还有好多地方没去,好多东西没吃呢!

We were late an hour for the work, so have to replace another hour till 7 o clock. I manage to smoother the wall surface and now another task is to flatten the area, it is not that easy , so the progress is a bit slow. Tonight, Sandra, Cindy, Pinky and Josie are "Lao Da' of the day, so they treat us a delicious dinner. We also have a chance to listen to nice song from Cyrus.

ps: start to feel sad because going to leave the next day

非常丰富的一餐 ,老大-Josie, Pinky, Cindy , Sandra


                                                Have to cross this  bridge before reach the art gallery

第七天 Day 7

中午就要搭台铁去台北了。所以早上就和Milo,Sandra, Cindy 和 Betty 到 附近的海边看日出,结果还是无法看到日出。 不过我还是非常享受花莲早晨宁静的美。离开花莲之前,还吃了Kelvin 老大请的好好吃的卤肉饭,就在自强夜市附近而已。


I am leaving Hua Lien this afternoon, so in the early , together with Milo, Sandra, Cindy and Betty to see sunrise. Again, still not able to see sunrise as it is too clousdy but i enjoy the silence and brautiful morning in Hua Lien so much. Before leaving, i also have a chance to meet the new " Lao Da " and have a tasty braised pork rice near Zhi Qiang Area.

Sea, cycle, delicious foods, beautiful places and nice friends have given me  an unforgettable memories in Hua lien.




                                                                   Milo,Noel 和政宇



                                                                小妹妹 Pinky 和 Jossie

美女们-Cindy, Sandra 和Betty


注: 英文版只是大概的翻译。

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